Welcome to day one.
Shamanic seeing: A shaman sees through the heart. Some of what a shaman can see is patterns of energy
Intent: determination that is commitment to a decision powered by the energy of activated focus.
Imagination: Envisioning something not present – creating something from a void
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. How will you exercise choice, imagination and intent to shape your reality? I offer the following for you to ponder…..
As those interested in a shamanic path have come to know, Intent and Imagination, are the foundation and launching pad for the work of shamans and shamanic practitioners. Moreover, the things we think and imagine, if given enough power (i.e. energy) either by an individual or collective focus, takes on a life of its own, pulls in similar energies, and when enough of these similar things join, they form what is called a Morphic Field (http://www.sheldrake.org/research/morphic-resonance/introduction).
A Morphic Field in turn, will then exhibit an influence of its own on the group from which it was birthed. When it does, it begins changing group behavior. According to Sheldrake, laws of nature may also be subject to change through this influence. That is an extremely powerful concept.
Why does this matter? Well, it affects, much like Jung’s archetypes, the dream we call consensual reality because Morphic Fields carry the Intent they have been charged with.
Here is a current example: According to the book Dark Money by Jane Mayer, Charles Koch, began as early as the 1970s to identify an agenda to fundamentally change core ideas about how American business and government works, and who’s benefit it should serve. Koch, as a collector and holder of vast resources identified that he should dictate the waking reality of the rest of us to benefit his business and ideals. He formed an Intent to control America for his purposes.
A reading of only the first two chapters of Dark Money will provide chilling support for Mayer’s thesis. After the election of Barack Obama in 2008, Koch and his brother David doubled down on the Intent. They Imagined how to defeat the growing call for economic and civil rights equality and they put behind that plan a focused Intent to bring right wing ideals for economics and cultural policies into power. They followed up with an action network. And they succeeded.
Today Donald Trump was sworn in as President. Within an hour of this event, all reference to the environment and LGBT people had been scrubbed from the White House web site. Too, in another show of meanness toward ordinary people, and a grab for even more resources, (still within this same time frame) FHA mortgage insurance (a program that helps the working class and new home buyers afford to own a home) was announced as eliminated. The Kochs put power (energy) behind an Intention, while they used Imagination to form a plan, manufacturer a new reality, enforce their agenda. So far it's worked. And they aren't even shamans.
What I see as someone who looks at energy, is that the network these men built with the intent to control America, brought widespread influence across all segments that mattered in the making of change (e.g. media, foreign governments, etc) and as it did so, it became a morphic field. That field than became an attractor, calling under its influence, other resonating fields such as those that carry a blueprint of fear, fear that leads to discrimination, hatred of difference, misogyny, resentment of ‘political correctness’ etc. The dark money and dark work of sorcerers concerned only with their own welfare were put into play. Then the field began to impact behavior. This certainly isn't the entire explanation for the instillation of Donald Trump following a man like Barack Obama but it's a significant contributor
In the shamanic view we are all one. Earth, animals, insects, birds, fish, people, the cosmos, we are all respected as each other's relatives. All of us have a special quality to contribute, a 'medicine' that contributes to the whole. We thrive when we belong to community and everyone ultimately needs to do well or we are all lesser for it. Personal greed has no place. This is so the opposite of much of current first world culture. It doesn't have to be.
The fabric of consensual reality is a group effort. We impact it with our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, conscious and intended, as well as unconscious and unintended, then eventually it impacts us. We need to beware and be aware.
So these are my thoughts on inauguration day. Don’t become part of a reality you haven’t consciously consented to. Do be aware of the energy that is circulating. Do come from love, not fear. Do come from a place of your own construction. Imagine the world as it can be dreamed. Intend. Make your medicine count. Do it.
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